On March 25, 2007 our family's life would change in the blink of eye! As I went to put Makenzie in the car she reached down and grabbed a Red colored Goldfish cracker out of her car seat. Makenzie hated to be in her car seat and began to cry. When she opened her mouth I saw the cracker but it was too late. One gasp and she wasn't breathing. As my whole family stood in the parking lot our little princess was dying. After performing the Heimlich unsuccessfully, I got on the phone with 911 and rushed her into the store. As soon as I hit the door she went limp in my arms. As my husband and the people in the store tried to help our daughter I stood out side of the store banging my head pleading with God not to take my baby away from me... He didn't!
The paramedics arrived, got a airway and rushed her to the nearest hospital. When we got there we found her on a vent and totally unresponsive. She was then airlifted to another hospital more equipped to help her. After a week on the vent and sedated she was breathing on her own but still in a coma. We received MRI results stating that Makenzie had a very serious global Brain injury. She was then transferred to Children Hospital where we spent 5.5 weeks in a rehab program before we got to take her home.
When we took Makenzie home she cried EVERY waking moment of every day! She did not sit, eat, talk, walk, crawl, smile, laugh, see, or hear. She was fed through a tube in her stomach and didn't respond to anything!
We have spent the last 3 years fighting with her and for her. We have done many conventional and unconventional therapies. Today Makenzie has come a long way but has a long way to go! She can see, hear, smile, laugh, she loves her brothers, playing peek-a-boo, standing in her walker, she can roll over on her own sometimes, she is getting close to sitting, and the list goes on!
With God's Grace Makenzie will continue to heal. We have Hope for the future and are so proud of Makenzie for never giving up! Keep Fighting Baby Girl.
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