Jayden was born March 21, 2007. He was diagnosed with trisomy 21 shortly after birth. Things were pretty uneventful until he was 18 months old. He was having respitory problems and we took him into the ER. He was satting in the 50's and he was intubated and flown to UNMH in Albuquerque. He spent the next 2 months in the PICU, 5 weeks of which, he spent on the ventilator. It was discovered that he had an ASD and pulmonary hypertension. The right side of his heart was enlarged. He was placed on nitric oxide. He was sent home on an ng tube and oxygen and a list of about 10 different meds. He had heart surgery to fix his ASD in January 2009 at Denver Children's Hospital. He has continued to make strides to recovery. Currently, he is down to 2 meds. and oxygen and ng tube feedings at night. He is making progress in areas of speech, OT, and PT. His heart is now back to normal size and continues to be closely followed by all of his doctors. He is a sweet little boy and a joy to his family!
what a cutie-pie! such a joy im sure